WIT for Graphical Programming
WiT is the first visual programming package to combine multiple Pentium execution with MMX-based image processing operators. A fully featured graphical programming environment for image processing development, WiT uses block diagrams to express algorithms. Now OEMs can integrate WiT as a value added library using the FastSeries, a collection of "C" callable vision libraries for object character recognition, machine inspection, alignment, barcode reading and web inspection.
Igraphs An imaging graph (igraph) is the cornerstone of a WiT application. An igraph presents an entire algorithm using proven building blocks to perform machine inspection, biomedical imaging scientific exploration and general image processing and analysis. igraphs are built by selecting appropriate icons to solve your task and connecting them up using links. Links direct data from one block to the next and can be configured to enable probes or break points. Parameters for operators are easily changed with quick pop-up dialog panels. All the standard features of a CAD-like environment support fast design of an igraph. Flow control is handled by special operators to perform looping, if-then-else, sequencing of large data sets, collecting, I/O, counting, and general manipulation.
Encapsulate an igraph as an operator
Use graphical annotations to enhance readability
WiT can be used in industrial, scientific and biomedical applications and perform the following functions:
Fast execution Automatic parallel processing on multi-processor computers running Windows NT. Frame grabbers
Ethernet Utilize network resources: computers, frame grabbers Comprehensive visualization tools
Select by Manufacturer | |
Std Colour/Mono for Analogue Cameras | |
Advanced Scan for Analogue | |
RS-422/LVDS | |
for LAPTOPS | |
Firewire | |
Camera Link | |
Vision Processors | |
Standalone Vision Engines | |
Select by Manufacturer | |
Multi-sensor | |
High Magnification | |
High Resolution | |
Optical Filters | |
Machine Vision | |
Macro | |
Near IR | |
Specialty | |
Telecentric | |
Zoom | |
Select by Manufacturer | |
LED Lighting | |
High Power for High Speed | |
Structured Laser Lighting | |
Fibre Optic Lighting | |
Strobe Lighting | |
Infra Red Lighting | |
Lighting Controllers | |
Select by Manufacturer | |||
Artificial Intelligence | |||
Digital Image Correlation | |||
Machine Vision | |||
Image Analysis | |||
Motion Analysis | |||
Hyperspectral | |||
Select by Manufacturer | |
Online Ore Sizing | |
Portable DVR systems | |
Hyperspectral Vision Systems | |
TELEDYNE DALSA ipd Vision Appliances | |
Custom System Integration | |
Select by Manufacturer | |
Displays | |
PCs | |