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Adept Turnkey offers a range of hyperspectral components and systems from Specim. Hyperspectral imaging produces image sets (Image Cubes) with spectral information that is broken down into very narrow spectral bands. Human sight senses three primary colours, Red, Green and Blue. Each of these colours denote a wavelength band of around 100 nanometres (nm). Hyperspectral imaging produces bands of just a few nm.

Specim hyperspectral products use the push-broom technique. Light enters a narrow slit and a spectrometer separates the light orthogonally to the slit into its discrete wavelengths not unlike what happens when a rainbow is created. The slit is parallel to the horizontal axis of the sensor so the vertical columns of the sensor detect the spectral spread. Each adjacent pixel in a column on the sensor detects a slightly different wavelength from the pixel above or below it. The push broom technique works much like a linescan camera. A single hyperspectral image represents the different wavelengths for a row of spatial pixels. By repeatedly capturing images of an object or scene as it moves past the sensor an image cube is captured and contains the spectrally separated information for the whole scene. Information about the materials in the scene can be determined since all materials and compounds absorb and reflect specific wavelengths in a unique way. By analysing the spectral nature of a scene with hyperspectral it is possible to determine what materials and compounds are in the scene.

Hyperspectral imaging is used for a number of different applications. These include agricultural applications - biomass mapping, crop disease detection, fire management; mining applications - exploration, core-logging, minerals seam tracking; defence and police applications - land mine detection, cannabis detection; forensics applications - crime scene details; water applications - bathymetry, hydrology; food applications- quality; pharmaceuticals applications- quality.

Adept Turnkey supplies all the parts of a hyperspectral system - Fore lens, spectrometer, Spectral cameras, systems - core logging, chemical analysis, airborne. For more information contact us.

Imaging Spectrographs
Imaging spectrographs - Visible light          
Model Wavelength Image Size Spectral resolution Dispersion Numerical aperture
ImSpector V8 (1/2") 380 - 800 nm spectral 4.8mm, spatial 6.6 mm 11.2 nm 93.6 nm / mm F/2.8
ImSpector V8 (2/3") 380 - 800 nm spectral 6.6 mm, spatial 8.8 mm 9 nm 66 nm / mm F/2.8
ImSpector V8 E - enhanced 380 - 800 nm spectral 7.0 mm, spatial 24.0 mm 2.8 nm 65 nm / mm F/2.4
Imaging spectrographs - Visible and near-infrared        
ImSpector V10 (1/2") 400 - 1 000 nm spectral 4.3mm, spatial 6.6mm 11.2 nm 139 nm / mm F/2.8
ImSpector V10 (2/3") 400 - 1 000 nm spectral 6.6 mm, spatial 8.8 mm 9 nm 93.9 nm / mm F/2.8
ImSpector V10 E - enhanced 400 - 1 000 nm spectral 6.15mm, spatial 14.2mm 2.8 nm 97.5 nm / mm F/2.4
ImSpector V10 M 350 - 1 000 nm spectral 7.0 mm, spatial 24.0 mm 1.5 nm 111 nm / mm F/2.4
Imaging spectrographs for Extended near-infrared        
ImSpector V16M 600 - 1 600 nm max. 7.3 (spectral) x 16.0 (spatial) mm 3.25 nm (with 30 µm slit)    
Imaging spectrographs - NIR and SWIR          
ImSpector N25E - SWIR 1 000 - 2 500 nm spectral 7.6 mm, spatial 14.2 mm 8 nm 208 nm / mm F/2.0
ImSpector N17E - SWIR 900 - 1700nm max. 7.6 (spectral) x 14.2 (spatial) mm 5nm (with 30µm slit) 110nm/mm F/2.0
ImSpector V16M - NIR 600 - 1 600 nm max. 7.3 (spectral) x 16.0 (spatial) mm 3.25 nm (with 30 µm slit) 137 nm/mm F/2.4
Imaging spectrographs - MWIR          
ImSpector M50M - MWIR 3.0 µm - 5.0 µm (spectral x spatial) 3.57 x 9.6 mm 35 nm 560 nm / mm  
Imaging spectrographs - fully integrated LWIR        
Model Spectral range Spectral bands Spectral resolution Pixel size Frame rate
L120MP HS - fully-integrated camera LWIR 8 - 12 µm 30 400 nm** 35 x 35 µm 60 fps
L120MP HR - fully-integrated camera LWIR 8 - 14µm 85 100 nm** 35 x 35 µm 60 fps
L120MP C - fully-integrated camera LWIR 8 - 12 µm 84 100 nm**   up to 100 fps

Accessories and options for enhancing imaging spectrograph capture
Multipoint fibre optics
Fore lenses
Order blocking filters

Spectral cameras
Model Wavelength Sensor Type Pixel size Spectral resolution Frame Rate Output
Spectral cameras - Visible light            
PFD V8E 380 - 800 nm CMOS 8.0 µm 2.0 nm 65 fps Base CameraLink
HS V8E 380 - 800 nm Interline CCD 7.4 µm 2.0 nm 33 fps Base CameraLink
Spectral cameras - Visible and near-infrared            
V10M 350 - 1000 nm CMOS 8.0 µm 1.5 nm 35 fps CameraLink
PFD V10E 400 - 1 000 nm CMOS 8.0 µm 2.8 nm 65 fps Base CameraLink
HS V10E 400 - 1 000 nm Interline CCD 7.4 µm 2.8 nm 33 fps Base CameraLink
Specim IQ 400-1000 nm CMOS 17.58 µm x 17.58 µm 7 nm   12-bit
Specim FX10 400 – 1000 nm CMOS 10 µm 5.5 nm 330 / 9900 GigE Vision / CameraLink
Specim FX10+ 400 – 1000 nm CMOS 19 µm 15 nm 705 GigE Vision
Spectral cameras - Extended Near-infrared            
eNIR 600-1600 nm TE-cooled, InGaAs-CMOS 30 x 30 µm 7 nm 100 fps USB2, CameraLink
Spectral cameras - Near-Infrared            
XHNIR 900 - 1700 nm ±10nm TE-cooled InGaAs photodiode array 20 x 20 µm rms spot radius < 15 µm 120 fps / 400 fps CameraLink
VLNIR 900 - 1700 nm ±10nm 30 x 30 µm rms spot radius < 15 µm 100 fps CameraLink
Specim FX17 900 – 1700 nm TE-cooled InGaAs photodiode array 19 µm 8 nm 670 / 15 000 GigE Vision / CameraLink
Specim GX17 950 - 1700 nm InGaAs uncooled (Effective size) 24.9 µm 8 nm 800 Hz CameraLink
Spectral cameras - Short-wavelength infrared          
SWIR 970 - 2500 nm ± MCT 30 x 30 µm 10 nm (30µm slit) 100 fps 14-bit LVDS
Spectral cameras - Medium-wavelength infrared          
MWIR-CL-120 M50M OEM 3.0 - 5.0 µm InSb 15 µm 35 nm 120 / 240 fps CL / GigE
MWIR-CL-380 M50M OEM 3.0 - 5.0 µm InSb 30 µm 35 nm 380 / 800 fps CL / GigE
Specim FX50 2.7 - 5.3 µm InSb 30 µm 35 nm 380 fps GigE / Custom ethernet
Spectral cameras - Long-wave infrared            
HS 8 - 12 µm LWIR uncooled microbolometers 35 x 35 µm 400 nm 60 fps 14-bit LVDS
HR 8 - 14µm 35 x 35 µm 100 nm 60 fps 14-bit LVDS
C 8 - 12 µm MCT   100 nm up to 100 fps 14-bit LVDS

Hyperspectral systems
Model Spectral Range Spectral resolution Spatial pixels/line Pixel size on sample Maximum sample size
SisuCHEMA - chemical imaging       200 x 300 x 45 mm (WxLxT)
SisuCHEMA VNIR 400 - 1 000 nm 2.8 nm 1312 38 - 152 µm
SisuCHEMA NIR 900 - 1 700 nm 6 nm 320 Scalable from 30 to 600 microns
SisuCHEMA SWIR 1 000 - 2 500 nm 10 nm 320 Scalable from 30 to 600 microns
SisuRock - core imaging        
SisuRock - SWIR 970 – 2 500 nm 10 nm 320 HR*: 0.2 mm; HS: 2.0 mm 1 500 x 640 x 200 mm (L x W x H), 50 kg
SisuRock - VNIR 400 - 1 000 nm 2.8 nm 1 000 HR*: 0.09 mm; HS: 0.64 mm
SisuRock - RGB N/A N/A 4 000 HR*: 0.016 mm; HS: 0.16 mm
* HR - High Resolution mode for single core measurement. HS - High Speed mode for single core box measurement.
Model Spectral Range Spectral bands Spatial pixels Pixel size on sample Maximum sample size
Sisu Single Core Scanning        
SisuSCS - SWIR 1 000 - 2 500 nm 256 320 0.16 - 0.38 mm (320 pixels) 130 x 1 500 x 75 mm (L x W x H)
SisuSCS - VNIR 400 - 1 000 nm 96 - 768 (adjustable by binning) up to 1312 0.04 - 0.09 mm (1312 pixels)
Model Spectral Range Spectral bands Spectral Sampling Spectral bands Field of view
Specim AFX - Airborne spectral imaging solution
AFX10 VNIR (400 – 1000 nm) 224 2.68 nm 224 38 deg
AFX17 NIR (900 – 1700 nm) 224 3.5 nm 224 38 deg

Model Spectral Range Spectral resolution Sensor Frame rate per second Number of spectral bands
Aisa Series - Airborne          
AisaEAGLET 400-1000 nm 3.3 nm Progressive CCD up to 125 410; 205; 102 depending on binning
AisaEAGLE 400-970 nm 3.3 nm Progressive CCD up to 160 488, 244, 122, 60 depending on binning
AisaDUAL Total 400-2500 nm VNIR - 3.3 nm; SWIR 12 nm VNIR - CCD; SWIR - MCT up to 100 VNIR - 244, 122, 60. SWIR - 254, 227, 63
AisaFENIX VNIR: 380 - 970 nm
SWIR: 970 - 2 500 nm
VNIR: 3.5 nm
SWIR: 10 nm
SWIR: Stirling-cooled MCT
Up to 130 VNIR: 344, 172, 86
SWIR: 275
AisaOWL 7.6 - 12.5 µm 100 nm (diffraction limited) Stirling-cooled MCT up to 100 100
AisaIBIS 670 - 780 nm in the order of 0.25 nm sCMOS, snapshot mode Up to 100 Hz 1000
Accessories for Aisa series        




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