Vision Goldeye VNIR + SWIR cameras

For the first time in the market Allied Vision's new Goldeye VNIR
+ SWIR cameras provide sensitivity from visible into the SWIR
range in a single camera, with a single sensor Allied Vision is
the first to release this remarkable new technology using the
new Sony SenSWIR sensor. It opens up a broad new range of applications
that require wideband pixel correlated images.
The Allied Vision Goldeye VNIR + SWIR camera delivers an extremely
robust, reliable vision solution. Manufactured to uphold and exceed
industry standards, these cameras are small in size and offer
multiple mounting options.
The Goldeye SWIR cameras offer stardardised interfaces (GigE
Vision including PoE or Camera Link) and I/O control options that
simplify the connection to your software solution and synchronisation
with other system components.
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Semi-conductor/Solar Cell inspection
With wavelengths of 1100 nm or more silicon becomes
transparent. Subsequently, these Goldeye SWIR cameras are ideal
for analysing metalisation and detecting imperfections like fine
cracks or electrical contact issues on the backside of wafers.
Light emitted by silicon when electrically stimulated
peaks at 1150 nm. Luminescence imaging helps to identify non-uniformities
in solar cells by detecting light from these defects:
- Electroluminescence: a solar cell emits light in response
to electric current flow.
- Photoluminescence: a solar cell emits light in response
to being exposed to light.
Hyperspectral Imaging
Each inorganic material has a different chemical
composition and crystalline structure resulting in a unique spectral
reflection corresponding to its specific light absorption characteristics.
Hyperspectral Imaging combines digital imaging with spectroscopy
to obtain detailed information across multiple wavelengths. Typical
applications include recycling and plastic sorting as well as geology
and mineral inspection.
Other Applications
• Agriculture such as airborne remote sensing
Print industry, for example banknote inspection
• Food inspection
Glass production
• Moisture detection
Vision enhancement
• Laser beam profiling
Scientific and medical including hyperspectral imaging,
microscopy, and optical coherence tomography
Key Features
• Integrated single-stage sensor cooling (TEC1)
and several on-board image correction features allow you to see
more beyond the visible with outstanding image quality
• Multiple acquisition modes: SingleFrame,
MultiFrame, Continuous, or RecorderMode
• ROI settings for frame rate and data rate
• High analog gain mode to increase sensitivity
• Built-in image correction for optimised
image quality: Non-uniformity correction with automatic adaption,
Defect pixel correction, Background correction
• Look-up tables to increase contrast
• User sets for simplified camera setup
• Digital binning to increase sensitivity
• Auto Gain